IT is heartening to note that, as Zimbabweans, we have all remained steadfast and, most importantly, we have not given up.
Our people must know and fully appreciate that, as a nation, we stand on the threshold of greatness and, having come so far, let us now not shoot ourselves in the foot.
Our economy has a real chance to become the greatest not just in the region, but the continent.
Do I hear naysayers!
Yes, we can become the greatest economy on the continent.
And critical at this moment, besides commitment and resilience, is appreciation.
Appreciation of who we are as a people — appreciation of what we stand for as a nation and appreciation of our values and aspirations as a country.
Let us not shoot ourselves in the foot.
We must not falter in our work to improve our lot as a people.
Our enemies have battered us left, right and centre, but still we stand defiantly.
We continue with the march forward.
We will not retreat.
We are battle-hardened fighters.
We are Zimbabweans.
We must not cease taking stock, re-strategising and re-energising.
Our people remain critical to achieving the grand designs we have for the nation, every citizen in our beloved nation has a role.
Our enemies would want us to feel like we are going nowhere and fighting a losing battle, but this is not true.
Our future is bright.
If we pause and reflect, we will see the significant strides we have made.
We might be going through trying times but we have passed the difficult phase.
We have refused the imposition of the Western will on our nation.
They are still trying and will not give up anytime soon.
But we must remain on track.
Let us firmly stay the course of our development agenda.
Let us relook at our strategies, both the small and big player, in the private and public sectors.
Those of us who find it difficult to be positive and thrive on lambasting the country’s institutions without proffering solutions, it is time to change mindsets and contribute towards development.
We have rekindled the Zimbabwean spirit and we have restored confidence in ourselves.
Let us be ourselves in the family of nations and not apologise for our existence.
We owe it to ourselves and future generations to build a Zimbabwe that will inspire Africa.
Let the rest of Africa and developing countries get inspiration from the Zimbabwean story.