HomeOld_PostsThe science behind blackness: Part One......black ‘inferiority’ a false hypothesis

The science behind blackness: Part One……black ‘inferiority’ a false hypothesis

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LAST week we looked at the wealth of Africa which we identified as spacious fertile land, favourable climate for cultivation, quality air, clean water sources, minerals, animals, plants and the potent sun.
Another important resource in Africa is the people, who are biophysically the most prominent race on earth.
Africa is the cradle of mankind and home to black people who are the archetype of the human race.
Blacks have retained the ancestral features of the first humans to inhabit the earth.
In the Bible, the first man was called Adam.
In Hebrew, Adam literally means ‘man’ or ‘people’.
The word Adam was derived from another Hebrew word, ‘adama’, which literally means soil.
It was written that man was created of the dust of the earth and thus Adam would be translated to ‘wevhu’ if it were to be put in Shona.
In Hebrew, the popular Shona phrase ‘vana vevhu’, which is used in exclusive reference to blacks, would be ‘bani adama’, meaning children of the soil.
Even science confirms that the first man on earth was the black man of East Africa.
Geneticists have appropriately named the paternal DNA marker of the Khoisan Y haplotype Adam (A) because their DNA proves to be the earliest and most diverse.
Every human, no matter what race, descended from the Khoisan.
Thus all the black people of the earth who have retained this attribute of blackness from the early humans are still worthy to be called children of Adam or the soil because they still resemble the soil and the first humans.
Being black has been looked upon negatively because of the coming up of the non-black races in the last few centuries.
They disregarded the integrity of science and the truth of history and sought ways to discredit the indigenous race of the earth in order to find a place for whites.
Unfortunately, even blacks have given into the baseless theories that at certain points in time saw us being called sub-human and inferior.
There should be a clear distinction between hypothesis and ultimate truth.
A hypothesis is mere speculation.
Truth is a universal and testable fact.
Science, in its original sense, is a quest to fully understand the environment in which man inhabits.
It is a way to seek the truth of our existence.
A scientific experiment would be expected to yield the identical results if conducted in an identical manner under identical conditions.
Understanding the properties of hydrogen in water allowed our ancestors to navigate the seas.
Understanding heat and metal allowed them to smelt gold, iron and copper.
Such was ‘applied science’ and after being passed down to us, it has made the lives of humans easier.
However, when Europeans were exposed to these scientific findings of our ancestors, particularly after the fall of the Black Moors of Europe (1492), they have been known to misuse science to a level that damages the earth, its inhabitants and the atmosphere.
They lack a natural reciprocity to the earth which was carried by our ancestors who exploited the earth in an eco-friendly way.
For example, our ancestors understood that what goes up must come down.
This is now called the gravitational pull which is at the core of the earth.
It is a scientific discovery to understand that there is a force which pulls things downwards.
Yet to the Europeans, it makes sense to defy this basic law and invent aeroplanes.
The ancient people understood that every synthetic or man-made thing is terminal and while it exists it is fragile.
Thus they tried to invent in the scope of practicality.
An aeroplane is held up by a fossil fuel-powered engine which pumps its harmful fumes directly into the atmosphere.
It is made up of many complicated parts and is a heavy and bulky vessel.
If anything is to go wrong once the aeroplane is in the sky, the law of gravity will assume its course and the fall of that high and heavy plane will be most extreme.
This is not a good application of science and although plane travel is argued to be fast, the cost and risk involved in flying will not be worth it when a plane crashes and kills hundreds of humans who simply wanted to travel.
At least with sea travel, one is conforming to cosmic law by using hydrogen’s ability to hold broad surface loads afloat.
If anything goes wrong, at least one can float on water until help arrives.
More devastating than this blow to science was the attempt to prove scientifically that blacks are an inferior race to whites.
Such claims led to kidnapping and selling of blacks as slaves.
The scramble for Africa which led to the colonisation of most of our lands by Europeans was drawn up by whites who thought blacks were inferior to them.
The hypotheses that contained this rhetoric could be found in published and institutionalised schools of thought such as Eugenics, Darwinism, the Seligman Hamitic Theory and many others.
They all shared a common notion that whites were the new and evolved race and the darker races, particularly blacks, were archaic, uncivilised and due for extinction.
They went to the extent of calling the first humans apes, and tried to use science to justify the theory that mankind evolved from a chimpanzee-like-creature that the blackman still resembled.
This series seeks to disprove these false hypotheses about black inferiority.
This shall be done by presenting true scientific facts that actually suggest that blacks are superior in biophysical make-up to all other races on earth.
We once looked at a series called the genetics of blacks.
We found that although humans from all around the world may look different to each other, we are actually more or less the same in terms of our genetics.
We have common origins and a common ancestor and our genes are not less than 99,5 percent identical to each other.
The many external (phenotype) differences among human beings are only encompassed in the 0,5 percent and include hair colour, hair texture, skin colour and so on.
Every human being has two sets of 23 chromosomes.
This determines that we have no fur, no tails, stand erect, walk on two feet, speak and use tools.
All these attributes are shared by all humans and lacked by even the apes that the Eurocentrists have attributed their ancestry to.
Most genes are recipes with instructions to produce specific proteins.
The number of chromosomes in a specie’s genes determines what that specie becomes and this is passed on from parent to offspring.
Thus there is no possibility that humans descended from anything but humans.
The monkey may occasionally stand upright, has fingers with thumbs and can use tools; but it is disqualified from being human in that it has leather, fur, a tail, walks on all fours and can’t speak.
The monkey has always had 21 pairs of chromosomes and the chimpanzee 24 and there is no way that their genetic coding could magically encode the human’s 23 pairs of chromosomes.
It is not only the number of chromosomes that determine what a specie is but how those chromosomes are arranged.
This is how a mango seed is guaranteed to produce a mango tree and never a lemon.
If it is the seed of the common yellow mango, which is sweet and small, there is no way it can be planted and produce the not-so-sweet, green and large bhuru mango.
In conclusion, modern science confirms that humans have no ancestry in apes, that all humans have a similar genetic make-up and that we are all descendants of the blackman of East Africa.
We shall look into what makes the human race diverse in phenotypes or external features in the next part of this series.


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