HomeOpinionApartheid alive and well in independent Africa

Apartheid alive and well in independent Africa

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By Nthungo YaAfrika

APARTHEID is a Tambous socio- economic and political construct aimed at capacitating some ‘privileged races’ while disqualifying others from enjoy- ing the national cake.

As long as the systems of the Tam- bous are with us after independence, they will always be with us, pitting us against each other to the advantage of our former enslavers and colonisers.

A typical example is the chaos we are experiencing on the motherland. We are failing to reach out to each other because of the artificial and arbitrary borders created in 1884 and we are also failing to agree on the name Africa (our continent), the skin colour ‘black’ and the distateful connotations attached.

Apartheid created writers like George Orwell who wrote the book ‘AnimalFarm’which prophesied the predica- ment of our race even after gaining independence.

These are posts about the origin of the name Africa: the Phoenicians talked about ‘afar’, dust; the ‘Afri’, a

tribe-possibly Berber; the Greek word ‘aphrike’, meaning without dust; or the Latin word ‘aprica’,meaning sunny.

The historian Leo Africanus (1495- 1554) attributed to the Greek word ‘phrike’(meaning cold and horror), combined with a negating prefix ‘a’, so

meaning ‘a’; some saying a land free of cold and horror. But the change of sound from ‘ph’ to ‘f’in Greek is dat- able to about the first century, so this cannot be the origin of the name.

Etymology and origins, from the Phoenecian after, a blackman, and the Sanskrit , earth, land, country. This great continent is the natural home

of the blacks — the negroes of North America and the West Indian islands being descended from the slaves car- ried whither from the west coast of Af- rica since the time of the original slave trader Sir John Hawkins in 1562.

There are many posts about us, all laughable because we were the first race to be created.

The Glorious Qur’an AlHirjverse26,meaning no-one knows about us but the Creator.

Let’s go to other scientific posts: “Africa,particularlycentralEasternAfrica,iswidelyacceptedastheoriginofhumansandthehominidaeclade,asevidencedbythediscoveryoftheearliesthominidsandtheirancestors,aswellaslateronesthathavebeendatedtoaroundsevenmillionyearsagoincludingsahelanthropustch-adensis,australopithecusafricanus,a.afarensis,homoerectus,h.habilisand


Let’s deal with the foregoing and see what they mean and who sponsored their research:

  • Hominids— these are known as great apes, smatran, tapanuli gorilla; only human remains homo sapiens.
  • Sahelantropustchadensis — family hominidae primate discovered in Chad in 2001.
  • Australopithecusafricanus— ex- tinct species which lived between about 3,3-2,1 million years ago.
  • A. afarensis — extinct species that lived about 3,9-9 million

years ago in East Africa.

  • Homoerectuswas discovered in northern Chad seven million years ago.
  • H.habilisis an extinct species of archaic humans form of East and South Africa. This goes against the creation story in their Bible.
  • H.ergaster— extinct archaic humans who lived in Africa. Woodward to classify. This also goes against the creation story in their Bible.
  • Homosapiensor rhodensis. Spe- cies name proposed by Arthur Smith.
  • Middle Stone Age — Rhodesian dis- covered from Broken Hill Mine in Ka- bwe, Northern Rhodesia (Zambia). In 2020 it was dated from 324 000 to 274 000 years ago. This now clearly shows who sponsored these racist posts. Remember the first human specimen, the Taung child, was described by anatomist Raymond Dart, in 1924, as the first early homininfound.

However, its closer relation to hu- mans than to other apes would not be vividly accepted until the middle of the century because many had believed that humans evolved out of Africa. It was unclear how a.africanusrelates to other homininobeing previously placed as ancentral to homoand parathropusto just p.robustusto just probostus.

Africanusis more ape than that of East African a.afarensis.

This research is from a race that enslaved and colonised us through the Bible which they do not believe but forced it on so called Pagans in Africa

to teach them about the Creator, whom they did not, and still don’t, believe in! Why are apes and monkeys associat-

ed with early archaic humans in Africa and not on other continents?

Is there a coincidence with us being called monkeys or apes by other human beings?

The origin of the Tambous is well documented in the BookofEnoch.

And our origin is also well document- ed in the Glorious Qura’n as mentioned elsewhere in this article. Our race has to be brave enough to remove ‘black’ and ‘Africa’ as our identity.

The origin of Africa has been well explained, I hope, while our identity as ‘blacks’ started in the 15th century when the Roman Catholic Church decreed we were no human beings, therefore fit to be enslaved.

The Creator did not create human robots, humans did for the specific reason to undermine other humans in order to steal their resources. It is an unforgivable sin to act and behave like one. The African Union must not

only be about physical matters but also spiritual.

This is not a tall order!

The starting point must be Zimba- bwe’s spirit medium Mbuya Nehanda. In human history, Zimbabwe is the second country to be led by the spirit world in its wars; the first was biblical Israel, ironic as it may sound today!

Some might ask how the AU can be involved in spiritual matters!

First of all, the remains of our ances-

tors in European museums must be brought back for decent burial. The AU must follow the way of the Creator as first followed by Prophet Enoch — and the first step to do this is to come to Zimbabwe.

I now compare Prophet Elijah to Mbuya Nehanda.

When Elijah was overwhelmed by Is- rael’s sins in 1Kings19:4:“Hewentaday’sjourneyintothewildernessandcameandsatdownunderabroomtreeandheaskedthathemightdie.


In 2 Kings 2: 1-18, he gets his wish.

Mbuya Nehanda’s spirit medium Mbuya Charwe, when faced with the same situation and faced with death because of her beliefs about the Crea- tor, told her would-be executioners her bones (spirit) would rise again (resur- rect). Ever since, the actual spirit of Mbuya Nehanda manifests and was the rallying point of the war against the settler regime.

Many people do not know that Chris- tianity is the corrupted version of our ancestors’ religion (the Egyptian mys- teries) and that Christ is the corrupted version of Kheseshata (Egyptian), meaning one who looks after divinities, a role reserved for Osiris and other Egyptian gods.

If Mbuya Nehanda had manifested in Jamaica, she would have been immor- talised into a global and universal hero with a Tambou Christ nowhere to be


Zimbabweans have failed, and are still, failing to raise her to global and universal status because of the in-

timidation of the apartheid education and religious systems still cherished amongst us today, 44 years after their defeat by Mbuya Nehanda.

Tiny Jamaica was not intimidated

and went on to make Rastafarian reli- gion a global affair.

The word ‘white-skinned’ was

coined by the Tambous in 1700 AD, 200 years after coining the word

‘black-skinned’ for our race.

Everything about Africa is bad news. Currently, monkey pox (Mpox) is said to originate from Africa (the DRC),

but this can be easily explained.

The DRC has never known peace

because of its vast natural and mineral resources and if only peace can em-

brace her, Africa will be untouchable. Mpox was a disease created by

Tambous science to destabilise the

DRC and our motherland, but is now threatening the whole world.

Why, as Africans, don’t we also start cleaning our image by removing these artificial borders created by apart-


The answer to this is simple!

Apartheid education and religion are still reigning supreme on the

motherland. Many on the motherland still do not believe that the Greeks and Romans were taught to read and write by our ancestors! (StolenLegacyby

G. M. James)


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