By Nthungo YaAfrika
THE motherland is at a crossroads of mental and spiritual slavery imposed on it since 323 BC.
What is the truth about our current situation as a race and what are the prominent issues overshadowing truth and opinion?
The truth that 718 million African Christians and 437 million African Muslims do not want to hear is that, before these religions had laid a stranglehold on the motherland, poverty was non-existent. This truth, as usual, will be overshadowed by current prominent issues.

Yet the fundamental question remains: Who is better, a pagan who removes poverty or religions that create poverty?
Religious beliefs imparted by institutions of slavery and colonialism are still dominant to this day because, as a race, we suffer from a disease called ‘limbosis’.
The Japanese learned the brutal truth when they decided not to invite the Israeli government to commemorations of the Nagasaki bombing holocaust. The Americans boycotted the commemorations in sympathy to their favoured nation, Israel!
African governments as well as those in the Middle East should learn from this.
Israel was established by the Tambous to create an impression that God is white. The Tambous do not know the difference between God and the Creator while the translators of the Bible continue to give the Creator names and gender. (Exodus 6:13-14) Zimbabwe is one of the few countries in the world calling the Creator, Musiki. This, compounded with the manifesting spirit of Mbuya Nehanda makes her public enemy number one. Remember the Tambous want us to still believe that before they enslaved and colonised us, we were spiritually directionless.
I read with interest the article in The Patriot, Issue 652 of August 9-15 2004, about Koffi Annan and the Brenthurst Foundation led by the Oppenheimers. This Foundation is said to be funding destabilisation projects in Zimbabwe. This does not surprise me because Koffi Annan was brought up with a vision of a Tambou Jesus and a Tambou God and does not know the difference between God and the Creator.
Education that is not positively and spiritually connected does not comprehend nor spiritually dig deeper. Genesis 6 and Jeremiah 6: 22-23 say this about the Tambous: “This is what Jehovah says: Look! A people is coming from the land of the north, And a great nation will be awakened from the remotest parts of the earth. They will grab hold of bow and javelin. They are cruel and will have no mercy. Their voice will roar like the sea, And they ride horses, They draw up in battle order like a man of war against you, O daughter of Zion.”
How many on the motherland still remember that the Middle East was formerly called North East Africa. There was no Middle East before the Second World War; it was created to remove the Creator and Jerusalem from the motherland. There is no physical or spiritual independence without knowledge and understanding of the past. Zimbabwe must ensure its new education curriculum and syllabi do not produce the likes of Koffi Annan who has volunteered to be spiritually ignorant.
Why all religions do not carry this chapter and verse found in the Glorious Qur’an is a mystery.
The Cow:30 says: “And when the Lord said unto the Angels: Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in the earth, they said: Wilt thou place therein one who will do harm therein and will shed blood, while we hymn thy praise and sanctify thee? He said: Surely I know that which ye know not.”
The concerns of the Angels are with us today and no religion can say with certainty why we were created; it’s opinion and prominence that lack the truth simply because religion and the way of Creator are poles apart. The way of the Creator is lived, like with Enoch, Elijah and Yeshua as these never shed blood through wars to convert people to the way of the Creator.
Just because we are burdened by the truth, opinion and prominence we, as a race, do not understand the clear message the rightwing parties in Europe are sending us.
That message is crystal clear; it says you are better off than us, so why come here and take food from our mouths? They are telling us to be wary of Tambou politics and religion which back capitalism — a system that even the devil is afraid of. Tambou’s New Testament sanitises poverty while the Old Testament is compassionate to the poor. Compare 1 Samuel 2:8, among others in the Old Testament, to John 12: 8 in the New Testament, also among others that sanitise poverty and the one that glorifies capitalism and makes it acceptable to the gullible majority is 2 Corinthians 8;9.
The Tambous go on and on about a democracy that excludes those interested in eradicating poverty by communalism found in Acts 2:42-47 and Acts 4:32- 37.
Is this the truth, opinion or what is prominent today?
Yes, we are a burdened race who are at sixes and sevens with ourselves at the expense of making the motherland the Jewel she was created to be.
The Roman his-story says Rome was once ruled by a Nahasi (African) Emperor Septimus. Can this find traction in the minds of a race burdened by truth, opinion and prominence! This information is not palatable to our race and the Tambous. Yet such information helps remove the aura of hopelessness currently pervading a race of 980 million, especially the youth.
The question on their minds would be: if Septimus once ruled a Tambou empire that enslaved and colonised us, what can stop us from enslaving and colonising them again to our own advantage?
That is positive spiritual thinking which 980 million people of our race lack. This positive spiritual thinking will empower our youth to ask the question most of our people dread to ask: that of why we are at the bottom rung of all humanity despite being created spiritually and physically rich? Proverbs 24:5 says with knowledge a woman/man increases her/his power while Isaiah 5:13 puts the icing on the cake of knowledge by saying: “You are in exile because of lack of knowledge.”
Which knowledge?
Positive spiritually connected knowledge, of course!
How many in Zimbabwe can believe that Great Zimbabwe housed the best learning institution in the world and had a writing system called ‘Butua’. For saying this, I am always ridiculed because the truth is always opinionated and does not cover current prominence.
Our main problem as a race started when we copied the ways of Tambous, like burying infant girls which the Tambous regarded as useless mouths to feed and undermining our womenfolk who had a rich past in leading our race to great heights. This became our habit when the Bible was imposed on us with Genesis 2:18 being vigorously preached and even blessed by the UN today with statements like: “It will take 186 years for men and women to be equal.” (France 24 on 18.09.2023)
Cheikh Anta Diop said this about our ancestors’ civilisation in ‘Cultural Unity Of Africa’: “The Africans had produced a civilisation where men were secure enough to let women advance as far as their talent.”
The Tambous still create their his-Story to this day. A case in point is about the five black presidents of the US before Barack Obama. These are never mentioned, making Obama the first black president of the US.
These are Warren Gamaliel Harding, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Vice-President Hannibal Hamlin and Alexander Hamilton as mentioned in a book by J. A. Rodgers. Can the rioting rightwingers in Britain embrace Barack Obama and Koffi Annan? How on earth can one trust the Tambous savages to be defenders of the truth of the way of the Creator whom they erroneously and ignorantly call God and genderise?
Truth must never be opinionated while prominence must bow towards it, otherwise we will always be burdened by these big three.