Know yourself


By Nthungo YaAfrika

AS a race, do we know ourselves? 

The answer to this question is crystal clear. 

An explosive no. 

We talk about Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism, among other religions, but are deafeningly silent about our African religion, Ma’at or Maat, the mother of all religions.

Ma’at was a concept of truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality and justice. 

One was expected to act with honour and truth in manners that involved the family, the community, the nation, the environment and God.

As a principle, it was formed to meet the complex needs of the emergent Egyptian State that embraced diverse peoples with conflicting interests. 

It sought to avert chaos and became the basis of law.

Compare and contrast the history of the above mentioned religions. 

While Ma’at sought to avert chaos, the above mentioned religions have been the bedrock of chaos.

Currently, our race is considered the scum and last rung of humanity, yet sign posts are there in history books, stolen from our ancestors by our so-called benefactors and severely edited, doctored and distorted to make us non-beings and a dependent lot. 

These sign posts, if followed, can lead us back to claim our glorious past and live it in the present and not tomorrow.

But this road to reclaim our glorious past and live it in the present is pitted with mines, but the most dangerous landmine is none other than ourselves. 

This manifests as self-hate which is now our second skin passed on from generation to generation consciously and unconsciously, willingly and unwillingly, knowingly and unknowingly and, last but not least, ignorantly.

And only God knows when this will end.

Yes, we hate our hair, nose, lips, eyes and, most of all, our pigmentation of the skin. 

For most of us, beauty is associated with being white while ugly is associated with being black, which, in fact ,is not the colour of our pigmentation but was imposed on us. 

We are in this situation because many don’t know the original creation story. But whose fault? 

How many universities are there in the so-called black world and in the motherland? 

Our race is associated with the devil incarnate, while the white one is considered the Creator’s choice. In a nutshell, we ignorantly hate the Creator, what with an imposing blue-eyed blonde Jesus Christ, who will not wish to be white? 

The so-called Lost Books, named so because the information in them was unpalatable to them, have many sign posts that can help us reclaim our glorious past and help us thrive in the present.

These ‘lost books’ actually prophesied accurately about the pale-skinned race and their origins as well as how they would lead the human race to self-destruction. 

That’s why they are not part of the Bible compiled by the white race. 

Are Egypt, Ethiopia, Soudan, Niger and Nigeria  indigenous names, and not forgetting the name of our motherland, Africa? The answer is no.

The most ‘powerful’ nation on planet earth, the US, is building their biggest Embassy in Zimbabwe, a country under their sanctions, may be surprising to many, but to the spiritually free, it’s not. 

It is a prophecy being fulfilled. What prophesy, you may ask! 

The renaissance of the black race will start in Zimbabwe, and has to be stopped or discouraged because the only Holy Shrine still standing for our race to resurrect itself is in Zimbabwe. 

They know it but we don’t, because most of us are blinded by the doctrines of their religions. Whatever plans are afoot to stop the renaissance train will be thwarted by the spiritual world, which is far more advanced than the physical world. 

The most hated of the Lost Books, is the Ethiopian Version of the Book of Enoch, which says the devil and his associates are blonde pale skinned beings.

Chew, swallow, digest or vomit.


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