HomeOpinionChristianity has failed the human race 

Christianity has failed the human race 

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By Nthungo YaAfrika 

HIS-STORY about us was, and still is, a project to undermine the people of the motherland — a continent they decided to name Africa. 

His-Story is not an accident but a deliberately, meticulously crafted story to make us worship the Tambous (white savages) with our beginning pegged from 1884. 

Most of our people — Tambou educated or not — believe this to be absolute. The Tambous have successfully managed to get our race to be at each other’s throats by obfuscating the truth, opinion and prominent issues about us without giving us space to deal with these using common sense — and they have succeeded. 

This is particularly poignant in debates centering on the 1884 partitioning of Africa — our ancestors’ glories are excluded. 

The transference here is very telling. 

For one to be acknowleged as knowledgeable, one has to quote Tambou sources. The white savages claim they brought history to Africa. They further claim that before their advent Africa was a dark continent — and darkness is not a subject of history! 

Read between the lines! 

Books written by the Tambous after the Second World War are unfortunately disappearing or are being heavily re-edited and reducted to remove embarrassing information about the white savages. This is being aided and abated by our education and religious systems which are deliberately Tambou-biased, making 980 million Nahasis on the motherland think that the Creator created them as an afterthought. 

The Tambous will never stop insulting us. France 24 says every so often: “Africa a continent of unparralled wealth,” — but who is benefitting! 

The poverty of underdevelopment is never mentioned! 

The scariest sorry situation about our race is that we believe everything the Tambous say even if they are imbeciles or mad to boot! 

The majority of our race are Christians and their Bible, even in its current corrupted form, is telling us to wake up from our physical and spiritual slumber with these chapters and verses concerning knowledge in 10 chapters and verses: Love, 27 chapters and verses; Spirit, 25 chapters and verses and Wisdom, 16 chapters and verses. 

The book with the heading above was written by Theodore W. Allen. 

Labour issues created the white race because the then status quo never wanted a pale-skinned person to do the same job 

as a dark-skinned person. Slaves, during the 1500s, were both dark and pale-skinned and all pale-skinned slaves were convicts, with the main supplier being Castile (Spain). 

In Virginia, America (1619), there were no pale-skinned people until 60 years later and there was no official use of the word ‘white’. White appeared in 1691 and was made into a law. Thus white identity had to be taught and it would take 60 years until the word would appear as a synonym for European-Americans. The ruling class invented the ‘white race’ as a social control mechanism in response to the labour solidarity that manifested in the civil war stages of the Beacon’s Rebellion of 1676-77. 

In the 1600s and 1700s, 100 English and negroes fought side by side to secure freedom from bondage. The unity between the English and negro slaves frightened the ruling class and so they invented the ‘white race’ in order to sow disunity between the two. The first Europeans to be accorded this honour were the Irish. 

The creation of the white race impacted negatively on African-American slaves for before this all slaves, despite difference in colour, were treated the same. In 1735 African-Americans were deprived of their right to vote, with Governor William Grooch saying: “. . . to fix a perpetual Brand upon Free Negroes and Mulattos, it was not an unthinking decision.” 

It was a deliberate step in the process of establishing a system of racial oppression by the plantation bourgeoisie, even though it entailed repealing a law that had existed in Virginia for more than a century. 

Racial oppression is a social control buffer stratum which served the interests of the ruling class. Mulattos were given special status, often promoted to middle class status. They earned this special merit through their service to the regime. Interesting situation of that time was that slavery did not represent one colour. European convicts were also enslaved, working together with negro slaves — the difference being Europeans were in bondage while negroes were in slavery. 

Of interest to me then is that the Europeans had not yet invented a white Jewish race with blue eyes, wavy hair and a pointed nose. This is shown by slaves supplied in 1493 from the Iberian population which included 2 000 Jewish children, eight years old and younger who were taken from their parents. These were then baptised as Christians and shipped to the newly-founded Portuguese island sugar colony of Sao Tome. 

Thirteen years later, only one third were accounted for. In those days those who wanted to emigrate to the US as free men were supposed to prove several generations of Catholic ancestry. Medieval Europe secured its slaves by trade with Russia, Turkey, the Levant and the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. The Levant today encompasses modern-day Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and certain adjacent areas. What does this mean? 

Simply that some white Americans are also descended from slave ancestry, putting to the dustbin that only African-Americans are descended from slave ancestry. This is how His-Story invents and rewrites what is now internationally acclaimed history, meaning past events. This is usually swallowed hook, line and sinker by our race — to our spiritual detriment. 

Today the Mpox is the news and the white savages say it was discovered in 1958 when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in colonies of monkeys kept for research. The first human case was recorded in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). 

The question a normal person must ask is why the research and for what purpose? 

The problem today is that normalcy is associated with reactionary tendencies. 

These are endemic European diseases like smallpox, measles and typhus. These three decimated the populations of Mexico from13,9 million in 1492 to 1,1 million in 1605 while in Peru, the population of Indians was reduced from nine million to 670 000 in 1620. A conspiracy theory, some might say, but with the Mpox now in the DRC and that country being in the centre of the motherland, your guess is as good as mine! 

The motherland has to be depopulated for the Tambous to have free reign over her resources — human rights excluded. 

Christianity has failed, and is failing, the human race. That is why Bernard Shaw said: “I happen like Napoleon to prefer Mahometanism, I believe the whole British Empire will adopt a reformed Mahometanism before the end of the century. The character of Mahomet is congenial to me. I admire him, and share his views of life to a considerable extent.” 

This is because the Qu’ran is the only inspired scripture that has come down to us intact as revealed by the Prophet. The self-invented white race has corrupted the Word of the Creator to such an extent that it has lost its spirituality and has become a handbook of sinners. 

I urge the invented white race and the invented black race who support them to read the book of Amos although it is also corrupted. Black was invented by the Roman Catholic Church in the 15th century so that they could enslave us, saying we were descended from Ham the outcast. In ignorance we call ourselves ‘black’. 


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