HomeOpinionWhy Mbuya Nehanda's spirit lives on.

Why Mbuya Nehanda’s spirit lives on.

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By Nthungo YaAfrika

IN my opinion, the Glorious Qura’n is more enlightening than the Christian Bible on the subject of prophets and messengers in all races. The motherland was the centre of the created landmass called earth before its disintegration into the current so-called continents. Which people were inhabiting the earth or the universe at that time?

The Christian Bible is quiet on that subject. Muhammad M. Pickthall’s translation of the Glorious Quar’an with the translation in Roman Script by M.A.H. Eliash, Kutub Khana Ishaat-ul-Islam Delhi (India) on this subject about spirits, angels, genie and devils says: “There has always been a class, generally called rationalists, mainly including philosophers and scientists, who doubt, nay, deny the existence of association: while on the other hand, those usually called spiritualists, mostly including saints and savants of the psychics, feel sure of spirits and spiritual experience.

At one time or other, much fraud was practised in the name of spiritualism, so as to inject superstition and terror in society, which evolved a natural reaction to suppress the fraudulent to the point of ridicule and punishment.” But the Qura’n affi rms the reality, and an approach between the two old parties is already in sight.

This fraud in spiritualism is very rampant here on the motherland currently, and can only be stopped if we listen to Mbuya Nehanda. No-one owns her and she is neither tribal nor national. Angels are said to have their own shapes, usually carrying wings, but being formed of light. They are capable of easy transformation and can assume human nature when necessary. (Vide Section 1:35; 8,9:6, 69;70:11, 24 to 28:51) The usual abode of angels is heaven where they praise God and pray for mankind but they also come down to earth on duty and call on people with or without their recognition as strangers. They carry out duties often seen as supernatural. Vide7,8:48: “Those (angels) believe in Him and implore forgiveness for those who believe.” Vide 38-40:3 to 2,3:16: “The angels called unto him (Zakarriyya): God gives thee glad tidings of Yahya (prophet).” 77 to 83:11: “When our messengers (angels) came to Lut (in human shape) he was grieved on their account (taking them for youths).” Vide 27:15, 15:55, 1,2, 11 to 15:72, 39 to 31:46, 6:72, 128:6, 500:17: “Genii: Next to Angels come Genii, who are formed of f i re, the well known Iblees or satan being the head,of this creation. They stand halfway between angels and man, sharing the nature of both parts. They have got their families, their culture and their religion and still they are invisible and capable of transfer and transformation. They had close contact with the Prophet Solomon, in particular as also with the Senior Saint, Piraane-Pir Syed’Abdul-Qaadir Jeelaani od Bagdad, who, for that reason is called Ghousus-Saqa-Layn. But their contact with other saints is not uncommon. genii lead some people astray.” Vide 221, 222:26: “Devils are genii of misguided class and human beings associating with them constitute the devil community. By nature they are mischievous and harmful to mankind, but well-united among themselves and very helpful to their worshippers and followers, who themselves form a dangerous class. Still the devils work on a large scale in ignorant classes and even in the high classes of unbelievers. They are really fond of human blood and make demands of human sacrifi ce.” Shall I inform you (O people) on whom it is the devils descend? They descend on every lying, wicked person, (into whose ears) they pour heresy vanities. And the devils ever inspire their friends to contend with you (believers), if you were to obey them, you would be indeed like pagans. (Vide121, 112:5) Our race lost the knowledge about creation and the Creator and we, being the f i rst to be created, are now desperately depending on other races created after us for this information.

The Roman Catholic Church destroyed our ancestors’ story but this information as was readily available in the past, is currently available and will always be available, that is if we stop continually embracing spiritual ignorance. The Kolbrin, a book accredited to our ancestors, which the Roman Catholic Church desperately tried to destroy but failed, says: “Mortal knowledge is circumscribed by mortal ignorance, and mortal comprehension is circumscribed by spiritual reality. It is unwise for mortal man to attempt the understanding of that which is beyond this conception, for there lies the road to disbelief and madness. Yet man is man and never fated to reach out beyond himself, striving to attain things which always just elude his grasp. So in his frustration he places the dimly seen incomprehensible with things within his understanding.

If these things but poorly refl ect reality, then is not the refl ection of reality distorted though it may be of greater value than no refl ection at all? There are no true beginnings on earth, for here all is eff ect, the ultimate cause being elsewhere. For whom among men can say which came fi rst, the seed and plant? Yet in truth it is neither, for something neither seed and plant preceded both, and that thing was also preceded by something else. Always there are ancestors back to the beginning, and back beyond to there is


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