By Vitalis Ruvando
THIS belated Christmas-New Year and Valentine message coincides with Black History Month, which s celebrated during the month of February.
The just-ended Black History Month is, however, overshadowed by a neo- Christmas, Valentine and Partition of Africa memorials for imperialists.
On February 26 1885, Europe invoked provisions of the General Act of Berlin to substitute the birth of Jesus with the genesis of the ‘golden future time’ of colonialism.
On July 2 1890, the General Act of Brussels was used to legitimise the violent annexation of Africa with the help of empty promises, cosmetic tinkering and unilateralism. On the other hand, wars, extra-territorial applications of national laws and national elections were mobilised to reinforce the first stages of the ‘golden future time’.
The secreted Valentine surprise has been deduced from innovative research narratives decoded from a cross-section of Afro-rural folks’ dreams, prophecies and muted voices about fading trademarks of Afro-humanness and Afro-identity – abridged as hunhu/ubuntu.
The fading trajectory is “. . . escalating cases of identity crises; political crossroads and inequalities, infidelity and divorce; de-schooling and miseducation; crime, deviance and delinquency, consequent to neglect of legislative needs of Afro-humanness and Afro-identity”, according to liberation war collaborator Mai Mushaike.
This article captures and highlights Valentine claims archived in Afro-rural opinion leaders living in waning paperless societies and hunhu/ubuntu bankers: mhondoro consigned with pre-millennial data on hunhu/ubuntu.
The General Act patented xenophobia and Afrophobia.
However, while God gave Jesus and salvation in human form, the General Act decreed colonialism in legislative form; and our bid will edict Afro-humanness and Afro-identity in legislative form.
Whereas the birth of Jesus inspires Christians to celebrate Christmas and God’s Valentine SMS to humankind on December 25, the General Act of Berlin motivates imperialists to revel in a neo- Christmas and Euro-gods’ Valentine audios to colonialists on February 26 when Europe detonated the legislated hegemonic time bomb.
Looking back, the Berlin Conference drafted far-reaching imperial hegemonic templates including colonial policies for use by Europeans to grab indefinite title deeds over Africa.
Imperial fixations were enforced to veto Queen Sheba’s black civilisation vision based on the hallmarks of hunhu/ ubuntu by creating native settlements: Bantustans or Tribal Trust Lands with land-taxed lease agreements such as the Land Apportionment Act and the Land Husbandry Act of the then Rhodesia.
A popular referendum, promulgation and hunhu/ubuntu legislation can be the decisive design to annul imperial renaissance legislated in the General Act of Brussels.
Hunhu/ubuntu legislation can bridge the pre-millennial past, millennial present and amillennial future of hunhu/ubuntu as well as accelerate the process of achieving hunhu/ubuntu renaissance.
Afro-rural folk’s Valentine gift contains an hunhu/ubuntu legislative input that aims at righting what appears to be the social dearth and societal death of hunhu/ buntu that is fast becoming a reality in Bantustans or Tribal Trust Lands of modern Africa.
“Looking back, Christmas-New Year season revitalises bonding between God and humankind; in ways hunhu/ ubuntu legislation will bond indigenes, hunhu/ubuntu and land,” said chiremba and psychosomatic practitioner Mbuya Nyathi.
This season inspires brethren to profess God incarnate, Jesus from rural Nazareth as much as Afro-rural folk aspire to revel in hunhu/ubuntu legislation.
Lest we forget, it was from the Holy conception of the rural Virgin Mary that the Word became flesh . . . and it became God’s Valentine gift to humankind.
It is around the Xmas season that God atoned the Sun Continent as the safety-net for Jesus who was subjected to cold winter nights and King Herod’s death threats.
“After the journey from Palestine to Egypt, it is during this exilic period that God’s Valentine gift befitted the name Emmanuel ‘God is with us’ within African contours,” said sacred legate of heroine Queen Nana, ‘woman warrior’ of Dahomey.
Granted that God is omniscient, it is believed that the Creator confirmed hunhu/ubuntu as the citadel for human life, morality and salvation by exiling His Valentine gift Jesus in hunhu/ubuntu land.
Decoded from Abyssinia, the sacred legate of heroine Queen Sheba, founder of black civilisation said: “Hunhu/ubuntu needs to be understood as the Afro-builders’ mortar where unity, peace, love and harmony are the bricks.
However, if hunhu/ubuntu is so boundless, can’t global Africa assert herself by legislating hunhu/ubuntu?”
From the DR Congo’s Katanga Province, Wamupinga Vita, related to heroine Kimpa Vita, author of original democracy ‘Stolen from Africa, Gone to America’ noted:
“It is the upside down of Black civilisation designed to annul original democracy . . . Indeed, these are expressions of colonial hangover, grievous legislative omission that motivate self-denial and mental slavery for Africa to claim her social self, self-worth, economic value and authority without hunhu/ubuntu legislation.”
WhatsApp messages from the ‘Men of Zinj’ (people of East Africa) opine that enhanced practices of capitalism, colonialism, neo-colonialism and globalisation are discriminating against the legislation of key drivers of Afro-humanness and Afro-identity.
Longitudinal study reports from Nigeria’s Yoruba State suggest that, without hunhu/ubuntu legislation, unregulated hedonism, self-centredness and lifestyle audits are defiling Jesus’ Valentine gift — that of ‘being man-for-others’, akin to Seven Ubuntu Golden Imperatives (SUGI) used to socialise Jesus.
From South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal Province, King Chaka’s sacred legate noted: “. . . the Seven Ubuntu Golden Imperatives (SUGI) emphasise ubuntu inclusive and sustainable development models based on ubuntu normative sciences; SUGI and African Union Agenda 2063 (AUA2063) stress Afro-humanness, communality, morality, reciprocity, justice, peace and unity — all painted in the colour of Afro-love. But, what’s the colour of Afro-love? Is it black, brown, red, yellow or rainbow when you think about it?”
SUGI presage and indirectly inform, without dictating, AUA2063 aspirations as in:
l Aspiration 1 underscores the building of “. . . a prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development” and;
l Aspiration 5 stresses the renewal of “. . . an Africa with a strong identity, common heritage, shared values and ethics”.
“An inclusive, sustainable and prosperous Africa with a strong identity, common heritage, shared values and ethics can be notoriously hard, if not impossible to achieve without hunhu/ ubuntu legislation in Africa,” remarked Tateguru Nehoreka.