Liberation parties remain popular


The recent lie by US Ambassador to South Africa, Reuben Brigety, that President Cyril Ramaphosa’s government had supplied weapons and ammunition to Russia, to help it in its war against Ukraine, is yet another example of how the West is trying to destabilise Southern African governments by former liberation movements. The blatant lie is said to have ignited currency chaos in SA as the rand plunged to a new ‘all-time low’. Of course the creation of economic chaos is one of  the major tactics of creating political instability in a country. And it is instability the West wants to prevail in countries governed by former liberation movements in Southern Africa.

The West has always wanted governments formed by former Southern African liberation movements to fall. The reason is their desire for economic control. This region is one of the richest parts of the world in natural resources, and the West has been dying to control its governments.Their dream leapt out of control when the region got its independence through arms of war supplied mainly by China and Russia. And the turf war between the West and socialist China and Russia is well documented.

With SA failing to ‘condemn’ Russia for its ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine, and President Ramaphosa appearing ready to host President Vladimir Putin at the BRICS Summit soon to be held in SA, Uncle Sam’s patience seems to have reached breaking point. So a blatant lie by Brigety, designed to throw the rand into turmoil, with the subsequent consequences, was one such measure. And yet Zimbabwe, another Southern African country governed by a former liberation movement, is not new to these antics. When Zimbabwe exercised its Sovereign right to equitably distribute its land to its people, crippling sanctions were imposed by the US and its Western allies.

And of course no sane imperialist imagined, even for a moment, that the revolutionary land reform programme would be reversed. Rather it was meant to be a deterrent. They thought the punitive sanctions would discourage other governments, especially  those by former liberation movements, from repeating the same prescription. The same governments of former liberation movements were expected to learn of consequences expected from siding with Russia. But then this bullying is not limited to SA and Zimbabwe only.

Mozambique is no exception. Millions died when Western sponsored RENAMO launched a brutal civil war from 1975 – 92. RENAMO is a Western- backed anti-revolutionary movement which was financed by Western capital to stop FRELIMO from liberating the country from colonial rule. The creation of Western proxies to stop genuine freedom fighters from achieving genuine independence is a common phenomenon in the politics of Southern Africa. We should never believe that the insurgence that erupted in Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado Province after the discovery of Africa’s biggest gas reserves, surprised the Americans. 

The West are good at creating chaos to justify interference. It is under such situations that exploitation of resources thrives. Never be fooled and imagine that the AFRICOM military base in Botswana, right in the middle of Southern Africa, is meant to bring peace in the region. These bases are meant to be near these ‘hated’ governments of former liberation movements just in case there is an opportunity to destroy them militarily. And we know the opening of the AFRICOM office in the US Zambian Embassy is a precursor to the opening of a full-time military base.

Even the latest US$292 million US Embassy in Zimbabwe, one of its largest in Africa, is a false spoor misleading the world that it is a symbol for its love for Zimbabwe.

 It has turned out instead to be a haven for mischievous elements from puppet opposition parties to fine tune their regime change agenda. It is gratifying, however, that, to date, attempts to dislodge governments of former liberation movements in this part of the world have so far hit a brick wall, if we are to go by results at polls. FRELIMO of Mozambique, ANC of South Africa, SWAPO of Namibia and MPLA of Angola have all routinely trounced opposition parties at general elections since independence.

This doesn’t sound very encouraging for our own Nelson Chamisa.

Zimbabwe is heading for harmonised general elections sometime in August and for CCC to expect ZANU PF to be the first former liberation movement in Southern Africa to fall at the polls, that might be overly optimistic. 


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