Work will make us great


THE summer cropping season is upon us and I urge all farmers to shame our detractors by continuing to do and increase the good work we have recorded in recent years.

The success we enjoyed in our political arena, let us extend to the fields so that the nation fully becomes self-sustaining.

Agriculture has been our backbone; a thriving agricultural sector will boost the performance of our industries.

I urge farmers to pay heed to the advice of extension officers and plant appropriate crops.

Farmers have experienced poor yields as a result of not heeding advice as well as planting inappropriate crops in their regions.

The land reform exercise has led to many of us becoming farmers but not all of us possess the requisite knowledge. It is thus important that we consult experts and ensure that our effort is not wasted.

And let us not abuse the inputs extended to us.

It is better that those who are not interested in farming do not take inputs.

Tougher measures must be taken against those who abuse support extended them

All that is required of us is to be fully supportive of ongoing development efforts.

We are charting our path as a nation, on our own, as a people; we are tired of models of development imposed on us from the West. 

As a nation, we should take pride in the fact that the standards for measuring development are not coming from the West but are determined by us. 

The West has always decided which countries are developed and which ones are not; which peoples are developed and which ones are not, with it being the ideal of human development.

But not in Zimbabwe.

It is only through hard work that we will achieve our desires.

And most important at this phase is having faith and belief in ourselves and our systems.

It is time to perfect our ways and systems; they are already in place and can only get better.

Zimbabwe must be the country every African nation must look up to.

With a little faith and belief, we will move mountains; we will be the story to read; the template our brothers and sisters on the continent and elsewhere, must emulate.

Everyone can clearly see that everything is in place.

We have fully functional production systems supported by highly skilled personnel; our agronomists, engineers and many service providers are on top of their game.

All we need is a little faith and self-belief.

We have achieved things that were said could not be attained in a thousand years.

We are a people who have gone against the odds and prevailed.

We scaled walls regarded as unassailable and continue to do so.

As a country, we have recorded achievements, reached milestones that will accelerate economic growth and so why should we doubt our capabilities and lack faith and self-belief.

It is that lack of belief and faith that has seen some people fail to grasp the fact that Vision 2030 will be achieved.

Let us remember that Zimbabwe ndini newe/iZimbabwe yimi lawe. Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo/Ilizwe liyakhwa ngabanikazi. 

Only you and I can make Zimbabwe great.


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