‘White people are cruel’


By Nthungo YaAfrika

THAT white people are cruel is no assertion of mine nor is it a racist remark but something I have read from their Holy Bible.

This is something l have read from the Book of Jeremiah 6: 22-26.

If you are surprised, it shows that you do not know the hidden link between the Bible and the books surrounding it that tell the story of humanity.

One has to be careful about what the Bible claims Jehovah says. It has been corrupted in translation.

This is what Jeremiah 6: 22-26 says:

“This is what Jehovah says: ‘Look! A people is coming from the land of the north. And a great nation will be awakened from the remotest parts of the earth.

They will grab hold of bow and javelin. They are cruel and will have no mercy. Their voice will roar like the sea. And they ride on horses. They draw up in battle order like a man on war against you O daughter of Zion.

We have heard the report about it. Our hands are limp; Distress has seized us, Anguish like that of a woman giving birth.

Do not go out into the field, And do not go into the field, And do not walk on the road, For the enemy has a sword: There is terror all around.

O daughter of my people, Put on a sack cloth and roll in the ashes. Mourn as for an only son, with bitter wailing, For suddenly the destroyer will come upon us’.”

In the the antiquity books of our ancestors, one can note that the above was not directly penned by our ancestors but is a corrupted translation by the Greeks and Romans.

This can be seen in Verse 26 where it shows that a son is more important than a daughter.

White people, whom our ancestors called savages, used to kill baby girls at birth and had no respect for women folk.

Also in Verse 22, Jehovah is highlighted to have ‘said’; this was done by the translators to frighten and intimidate the gullible and ignorant whom they had conquered.

ln Verse 23, the motherland is called the daughter of Zion. Zion (Semites) is a creation of whites as I will show later on.

This is the background of the race that claims to have been sent by Yahweh to preach Good News.

A question that most people of our race are afraid to ask is: What was so special about our ancestors’ scriptures and not their (white) ancestors’ scriptures?

The answer is simple: Their ancestors had no scriptures, that is why our ancestors called them Tambous, meaning savages.

The whites, once called Indo-Europeans, hailed from the Eurasian Steppes.

The Steppes has been described as an epidemiological cauldron that spawned smallpox, measles, typhus and venereal syphilis and these Indo-Eurasians spread around the world invading other people’s land here in Afrika, America, China and India as written in the scriptures.

The impact of these invasions created the first appearance of the Semites in history in 1440 in the area of northern Iraq.

The admixture of indigenous Africans and encroaching whites, including the Semites of Akkad in the Arabian peninsula, resulted in the appearance of Arabs.

The waves of Indo-European invasion and conquest in the African southern latitudes was followed in the 3rd Century BCE by nomadic Mongol invasions of an emerging Chinese State.

This resulted in further admixture of Africans prompting those who remained pure black migrating further southwards.

The most recent and most massive of the waves of Indo-Europeans is that of the Western European expansion and invasion of the 15th -19th Centuries.

This modern era of Aryan expansion, invasion and conquest began in the mid and late 1400s.

It was motivated by a population explosion in Europe, following a recovery from the Bubonic plague that killed three out of every 10 Europeans; approximately 24 million died.

This expansion and invasion has been by far the most devastating in terms of genocide, hybridisation, cultural and political imperialism as well as ecological destruction.

Who can refute this with climate change knocking on our doors affecting poor nations more than the rich who are the worst polluters.

The Holy scriptures of our ancestors, now called the Holy Bible, were penned by our antiquity ancestors to protect us from the Tambous, a race that came into being when the Fallen Watchers, blasphemously called angels, slept with Nahasi (black) women producing what is now called the white race.

After the explanation in this article of how the Semites came into being, the question that begs is: How holy are the Semites?

Yes, you might say this is my opinion, but this opinion came from reading many books which many Christians are forbidden to read and are called by the pretenders to the spiritual throne ‘Apocrypha’.

The current migration crisis the world is experiencing now is caused by what has been explained above; genocide, hybridisation, cultural and political imperialism and ecological destruction caused by the white race.

Pope Francis missed a golden chance in educating his race about the cause of this mass migration when he held a mass in France.

He failed to quote John 8:32 to his congregants which says: ‘’The truth will set you free.’’

The chickens are finally coming home to roost, what with the outcry of the Italian Prime Minister Meloni, when she said the European race will become extinct due to immigrants.

I advise her to read, or someone to read to her, her race history, which is not a tall order.

She will see the above title of this article and Ezekiel 38 which explains how her race invaded Afrika even after being warned not to do so by Yahweh through Prophet Ezekiel and her race is called ‘Gog’.

Is Yahweh not talking to us today?

The answer is yes and is found in Isaiah 1:18-21, which says: ‘’’Come now, and let us make matters straight between us,’ says Jehovah. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be made as white as snow; Though they are red as crimson cloth, They will become like wool. If you show willingness and listen, you will eat the good things of the land. But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword, for the mouth of Yahweh has spoken it. How the faithful city (race Afrikan) has become a prostitute! She was full of justice; righteousness used to lodge in her’.”

Righteousness and justice ended in Africa in 1835.

Isaiah 57:3-13 explains what a spiritual prostitute is in the spiritual realm.

Verse 11 reads: “Whom do you dread and fear, so that you started to lie? You did not remember me. You took nothing to heart. Have I not kept silent and withdrawn? So you showed no fear of me.’’

Our race fears the white race more than Yahweh yet the white race is not even a direct creation of Yahweh as compared to our race.

Spiritual prostitution becomes a norm when people have the philosophy of ‘I, Me and Myself’, currently the common denominator of our race in the motherland and in the Diaspora.

Today, poverty here is viewed as laziness. Yet before invasion of the continent by white people, there were no poor people on the motherland; read Lord Macaulay’s speech to the British Parliament.

What then brought about poverty?

 The answer is simple: the white people’s Bible, and for saying this, one is viewed as a disciple of the  devil.

Printing and selling the Bible is a multibillion business, so is religion; that is why criticising it is not taken lightly by those making money from it; as when they are preaching to the gullible with orphaned  minds; these, most of them of our race, who mislead themselves because of greed for wealth think it was written by the hand of Yahweh.

My plea is found in Isaiah 1:18: “Come let’s set matters straight between our race” and the Tambous corrupted Bible, let us not be intimidated by it as it is turning us into spiritual prostitutes. Spiritual prostitution was found in 1 Kings 18 during the era of Elijah, Verse 21 says: ‘’How long will you be limping between two opinions? If Jehovah is the true God, follow Jehovah! but if Baal is, follow him.”

 The Bible of the Tambous, although corrupted, still says white people are cruel. It is up to you dear reader to have your final say after reading this article.

I am currently looking for information that will tell me why Yahweh decided to place the Tambous in the Eurasian Steppes.

By and large, the ‘fair-skinned’ people of this world have been cruel to our race but because of self acquired voluntary ignorance syndrome (SAVIS) our people do not care and actually venerate the white people.


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